Vaginitis is an infection and swelling of the vulva and vagina may
also call vulvovaginitis. Is a common problem of women and girls of
all ages. The most common cause is by bacteria, and others are by
viruses, yeast, parasites. In pregnancy vaginitis is a common and
some risky problem for mother and baby. It may cause premature
deliveries, i.e. babies to be born early or with low birth weight.
There was normally a balanced pH present in vagina with normal
bacterial flora. If upset in the balance of that bacteria, is normal
in the vagina causes vulvovaginitis, this condition may be caused by
Spread through sex, example-- trichomoniasis.
Prolonged use of antibiotics can upset the vaginal balance.
Pregnancy is a risk factor due to low immunity.
Damp underwear, tight pants, constantly wet vulva due to tight
Douching, use of vaginal sprays, lubricants, birth control devices.
Hormonal vaginitis----due to lack of estrogen hormone, i.e atrophic
vaginitis usually found in post menopausal or post partum women,
sometimes it can occur in young girls before puberty due to poor
support of estrogen to the vagina.
In case of bacterial vaginitis, there is a strong fishy smell,
especially after sex, in case of yeast infections there is a thick,
white, cottage—cheese discharge is present. In other infections
like virusus and in parasites there is white or gray colored, watery
or foamy discharge is present.
Vaginal pain, itching, burning, or redness around the vagina with
swelling is present. And by scratching there may be a possibility of
secondary infection leads to low grade fever and persistent
If vaginitis occurs in pregnant, it may cause infection in the
mother's womb or the Fallopian tubes. Untreated, neglected cases of
vaginitis can lead to complications such as sub clinically turn into
PID [pelvic inflammatory diseases], Increased vulnerability to HIV,
Gonorrhea infections and thereby increasing the risk of transmission
to sexual partners.
First and foremost, in case of infections, Maintain personal hygiene
use mild soaps rinse well and pat dry wipe from front to back, avoid
to use other people's wet towels and hot tubs.
Avoid douching, it can upset the pH balance of the vagina.
Careful watch for any unusual discharge or smell.
Careful about inner clothing Wearing loose-fitting, cotton clothes
are important to maintain dryness over the vulva and vagina.
Maintain blood-sugar levels in good control.
Take healthy nutritional diet, advised to minimize the stress.
Homeopathy has been found very effective and is scientifically
documented. Homeopathy carefully prescribes the medicine that works
on the real cause of vaginitis, including other symptoms like
irritation, sleeplessness, stress etc.
This line of treatment approach towards the management of health
problems like vaginitis, along with the complicated symptoms is
constitutional. It decreases the susceptibility for growing micro
organisms, leads to enhancing immune system of the pt Also helps to
boost energy, and thereby reduces re infections.
You will definitely need and benefit from
homeopathic treatment. It
can be very helpful in building up the constitution of the
individual patient, thus reducing the risk of recurrence.
The treatment taken into account the complete history of the patient
includes presenting complaints, the symptoms along with the unique
physical, mental, and genetic make up that individualizes a
Homeopathic medicine acts at the roots of all ailments.
Homeocare International offers best chance of treatment, for cure in
case of acute and chronic vaginitis, from bacterial, yeast, viral,
and parasitic recurrent infections.
Homeocare International clinic, by our experienced homeopathic
doctor, a perfect constitutional remedy, and guidance can reassuring
and helpful for enhance the action of the immune system in clearing
a way the irritating factors in vaginitis.
Our doctors are highly qualified on this area, and we use best
medicines to attain good results . we follow the best procedures
and methods of homeopathy for make the patients happy with our
extra ordinary treatment.