Thyroid is a endocrine Gland, pear fruit shaped
a small gland located at base of neck, which produces 2 main hormones called T3[Triiodothyronine] and T4[Thyroxine] , these hormones
travels directly through blood to every part of the body, and
controls the metabolic rates of many activities in our body. Example
Heart Beat, Burn Calories etc.
A Thyroid Gland is working right will
produce the right amount of hormones needed to keep your body's
metabolism in right way i.e not too fast or to slow. Women is more
likely than men to develop Thyroid disorder.
2.Hyper Thyroid
Thyroid Disorder that can effect
include Thyroid Nodules, Thyroiditis, Thyroid Cancer, Goiter
Thyroid Gland does not make sufficiency
Thyroid Hormone due to under action of the gland
Common Cause:- Hashimoto's Disease, is
an autoimmune disease in which the immune system mistakenly attacks
the thyroid gland and damages the cells, so its does not make enough
Complicatedly can be caused by:-
Prolonged treatment of hyperthyroidism, radiation treatment of
certain cancers, or by Thyroidectomy conditions, rarely by pituitary
gland failure.
Symptoms:- Fatigue, Depressions, Cold
Intolerance, Constipation, Joint Pains, Generalized Myalgias,
Weight Gain, Dry Skin, Odema of whole body with puffy face, Menorrhagic
Cycles, Complicatedly it may be one of the cause to
Infertility and
heart Diseases.
2.Hyper Thyroid:-
Some conditions and cause Thyroid to
make more Thyroid Hormone than the body needs. This is called
Hyp0thyroidism or Over Active Thyroid.
Common cause is grave's disease in
which the body's own defense system, stimulates the thyroid gland
causes it to make too much of the Thyroid Hormone, can also be caused
by Thyroid Nodule.
Symptoms:- Asymptomatic for Longtime, Usually
Begins Slowly, But overtime a speedup.
Metabolisms Cause:- Weight Loss,
Increased Appetite, Rapid or Irregular Heart Beat, Anxiety,
Irritability, Trouble Sleeping, Increased Sweating, Tremors of
Fingers, Heat Intolerance, Debility with muscular Weakness, Scanty
Periods, Includes Osteoporosis, Pre Menopause.
Investigations to Rule out Thyroid
1.Thyroid Profile---T3 and T4----The
primary forms of Thyroid Hormone, It is checked with a blood test.
HORMONE---Secreted by the brain, its regulates hormone unharness a
biopsy. With High TSH---Indicates low levels of hormone i.e
Hypothyroid, and low TSH suggest of Hyper Thyroid.
2.Anti TPO Ti bodies---In case of autoimmune Thyroid Distress, Proteins erroneously attack the Thyroid
oxidase catalyst, which is used by the Thyroid to create Thyroid
3.Thyroid Globulin----A Substance
secreted by the Thyroid Gland, that can be used as a marker of
Thyroid Cancer. It is after measured during follow up in patients
with Thyroid Cancer and high levels indicate recurrence of the
4.Thyroid Biopsy---Is Typically done with a needle, thyroid tissue is removed from the Gland, its usually
use to rule out Cancer.
5.Thyroid Ultra Sound Scan--- A Probe
is placed on the skin of the neck and reflected sound waves can
detect abnormal areas of Thyroid Tissue.
6.Thyroid Scan---Some radio active
iodine is given by mouth to get images of the Thyroid Gland, that
substance is concentrated with in the Thyroid Gland.
Homeopathy Treatment for Thyroid:-
Generally the treatment option is HRT
[Hormone Replacement Therapy], in case of Hyperthyroidism, in this
case what happens is that the Gland becomes more sluggish became its
work is being done from being done from outside, and where as in
Hyper Thyroid condition the excessive secretion will stop suddenly
leads to Hyperthyroidism and complicated fluctuations, and patient
becomes dependent on that particular Rx for life time and day by day
with increasing doses, this does not happens in Homeopathy Treatment,
our remedies are given which actually stimulates the Thyroid Gland to
produce normal amounts of Hormones, and controls the abnormal
excessive secretions.
Homeocare International Treatment:-
Homeocare International offers best
chance of cure which works purely on genetic constitutional method of
treatment and also helps to boost energy, improves circulation,
stimulates and regulates the gland cells thus removes fluctuated
complications and soothe metabolisms by balancing
Hyper or HypoThyroid Function.