Infertility means not being able to get
pregnant after one year of trying. Or who have been trying sexual
intercorse for more than 6 months with out any contraceptive aids and
still have not succeeded in having a baby.
According to various studies conducted
across India 20% ---30%, couples face some kind of infertility
related issues at some point of time in their lives.
About 40% of these issues involve male
infertility, while women take a 40% share, the remaining 20% are due
to complications in both partners.
not able to get pregnant after one year
of trying or 6 months if a women is 35 or older . Women who can get
pregnant but, are unable to stay pregnant may also be infertility.
Causes of infertility in women :
1. Failure to ovulate
A. Hormonal problems:-
Failure to produce mature eggs:- In
approximately 50% of the cases of an anovulation. The ovaries do not
produce normal follicle in which the eggs can mature. If egg are
immature, ovulation is not possible, so fertilization becomes
Mal formation of the hypothalamus:-
The hypothalamus is the portion of the
brain responsible for sending signals to the pituitary gland, which
in turn sends hormones stimuli to the ovaries in the form of FSH
and LH to initiate egg maturation. If the hypothalamus fails to act,
the egg maturity is not possible .
Mal function of the pituitary gland:
The pituitary's are responsible lies in producing and secreting
FSH, LH. The ovaries will be unable to ovulate properly, if either
too much or too little of these substances is produced.
B. Scarred ovaries :-
Physical damage to the ovaries may
result in failed ovulation say for example by of any reason that
leads to multiple surgeries for repeated ovarian cysts etc, may cause
the capsule of the ovary become damaged or scarred , such that
follicles cannot mature properly and ovulation does not occur.
Infection may also have this impact.
C. Premature menopause :- Some women
cease menstruation and begin menopause before normal age. There
may be the chance of that their natural supply of eggs has been
depleted or that the majority of cases occur in extremely athletic
women with a long history of low body weight and vigorous exercise.
There is also a genetic, or hereditary possibility may cause this
D. Follicle problem :
Un explained un ruptured follicle
syndrome occurs in women who produce a normal follicle with an egg
inside of it, every month yet the follicle will not ruptured.
2.Causes of poorly functioning
fallopian tubes :
A. Blocked fallopian tubes--
Infection :- Caused by both bacteria
and viruses and usually transmitted sexually, these infections
commonly cause inflammation resulting in scarring and damage.
B. Genital T.B :- It is one of the
commonest chronic /long standing infections which results in
blocked fallopian tube. And after overlooked
C. Abdominal diseases:- For example
appendicitis, colitis causing inflammation of the abdominal cavity
which can effect the fallopian tubes and lead to scaring and
D. Previous surgeries:- This is an
important cause of tubal disease and damage. Pelvic or abdominal
surgeries can result in adhesions that alter the tubes in such a way
that eggs cannot travel through them.
E. Ectopic pregnancy :- This is a
pregnancy that occurs in the tube itself, and even, if carefully
and successfully overcome may cause tubal damage. And is a
potentially life threatening condition.
E. Congenital defects:- In rare cases,
may be born with tubal abnormalities, with uterus irregularities.
3.ENDOMETRIOSIS :- This condition is
characterized by excessive growth of the lining of the uterus, called
endometrium, growth occurs not only in the uterus but also elsewhere
in the abdomen such as in the fallopian tubes, ovaries and the
pelvis . Its includes heavy painful long lasting menstruation,
painful intercourse, spotting and bleeding in b/w periods, and pre
menstrual pain leads to infertility.
known that certain personal habits and life style factors impact
health. Diet, and exercise, smoking and alcohol are some of the major
FACTORS:- The ability to conceive may be affected by exposure to
various toxins or chemicals in work place or surrounding
1. Patient history and physical
examination is important
History Includes: Age, duration of
infertility, menstrual history, pregnancy history, previous method of
contraception’s, related hormonal diseases, family history of birth
defects, mental retardation, early menarche, any use of alcohol,
tobacco, or illicit drugs.
Physical Examination Includes: Weight,
body mass index [B.M.I], B.P, pulse,
thyroid enlargement, breast secretions,
and their character, signs of androgen excess, pelvic or abdominal
tenderness, uterine size, shape, position and mobility, adnexal
vaginal or cervical abnormality,
secretions or discharges.
1 Ovulatory function, and ovulation
with follicular study.
2.Trans vaginal ultrasound
3.Thyroid profile, other hormonal
5.H.S.G-Hystero Salpingo Graphy.
The Homeopathic approach towards the
management of health problems is constitutional. In
Homeopathic Treatment, concern
individual patient through case history which includes totality of
symptoms along with the unique physical ,mental and genetic.